Author Archive for jeff.faux

Canoeing Life’s River

I grew up in an urban world of concrete and asphalt. Nature was a few weeds sprouting from sidewalk cracks in August. Summer camp was for rich kids. So I spent a lot of time dreaming of living in the…


“Back,” snaps the Bedouin, The day sparkling over his black and sandy hood. A rough beast heaves laughing Daisy into the air. Take my picture, she shrieks at our sly guide He clicks the cell phone on which he’d been…

How the Great Society Democratized our Economy

The media buzz surrounding the 50th anniversary of Lyndon Johnson’s May 1964 speech announcing his Great Society has focused on the question, did it “work?” In other words, did the 200-odd pieces of legislation passed over the following two years…

In Defense of a “Default” Foreign Policy

I am an advocate of what Michael Walzer calls the “default” left position on foreign policy: minimal engagement, at least until we get democracy right here at home. Still, self-interest and moral obligation require some attention to the world beyond…